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Forum >> General Chat >> THIS SERVER HAS GONE TO SHIT

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Rating: 1 [+1 -0]

[USA] Donald Trump


Post Count: 30
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
13 Oct 2016 11:50pm
WTF ...

[KL] Blue Dream King


Post Count: 158
Respect: 204 [+] [-]
14 Oct 2016 08:18pm
You knew this sever was going to end up this way this sever has never took off but yet y'all still played wasted time in the game and just now want to start bitching if you don't like the sever and think its shit stop playing its that easy omg smh


Post Count: 2
Respect: 75 [+] [-]
15 Oct 2016 07:20pm
its been 10 years, and like 3 since molezy and brad stopped fucking.
nothing will get better lol

[OG] Big D


Post Count: 24
Respect: 538 [+] [-]
15 Oct 2016 09:17pm
Since Molez filed bankruptcy he no longer gets his half of the cash. He no longer has to code as well. bankruptcy company owns molez half. Look at it from Brad's point of view. Why code some dumb as game that he outgrew a couple years ago and them get half the cash. He is too busy taking pictures of hs sisters friends and claiming to be dating them than to make half the money. Plus he is busy sucking on vegeta's plastic dick.

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