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Forum >> General Chat >> A sad day

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[AK] TrulyWiked


Post Count: 71
Respect: 23 [+] [-]
18 Dec 2017 06:02pm
This gay rod done lost to a 10-10 bunny. what a fucking loser. Even in life.
I own this cow.
You are in a fight with [-TK] King Cow
Pets in Use
Mobster Pet
[bn] Sneaky Bunny Fido

[1] You hit [-TK] King Cow using your Stun Gun for 90,974,919 damage.

You put [-TK] King Cow in hospital!

You gain 61 EXP from [-TK] King Cow

[AK] TrulyWiked


Post Count: 71
Respect: 23 [+] [-]
18 Dec 2017 06:09pm
You can mail him and ask but he will block you. He is a fag like that :lol:



Post Count: 11
Respect: 7 [+] [-]
18 Dec 2017 06:30pm
Yes, This goes for everyone...If I message you saying calm down that there is more to life than Mafiacrime and this is your response I will probably block you as well. This is obviously not a very stable individual.

[bn] Sneaky Bunny train

[avatar] 04 Oct 2017, 2:31am - Re: No Subject
This is my life. Cant do anything else right now. Kind of like you but mine is health where yours is mental

[AK] TrulyWiked


Post Count: 71
Respect: 23 [+] [-]
18 Dec 2017 07:40pm
:lol: Yep I got under your skin fag boy. Rawdawg messaged you and you blocked him too. What did he do? Loser



Post Count: 11
Respect: 7 [+] [-]
18 Dec 2017 07:47pm
This is the portion we should focus on that you said "This is my life". ...When talking about MafiaCrime...Very disturbing to say the least. It is really creepy and sad all at the same time. While you are angry with me I honestly feel bad for you.

[AK] TrulyWiked


Post Count: 71
Respect: 23 [+] [-]
18 Dec 2017 07:56pm
Because you are an asshole. Doesnt get any simpler

[TCS] The best player


Post Count: 98
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
21 May 2018 12:52pm
and now another loser and no lifer has taken over where the cow left off.

who buys an account just to beat me, oh wait Fear does :lol:

[YES] Shadow


Post Count: 27
Respect: -3 [+] [-]
25 May 2018 02:55am
^ :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol: ^

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